По-русски C/Si as allusion of Isaac Asimov's C/Fe

C/Si is a


Life is changing and we need to change with it.

We have to learn new things, adapt ourselves to changes in environment and aging of our bodies.

Liebig's law of the minimum states that growth is dictated by the scarcest resource.

Our scarcest resource is time.

To make the best use of our time we need highest time efficiency of learning, retaining and retrieving.

My first project is devoted to skill learning. There are things you should learn before you can use them. You cannot fly by a manual. You cannot talk to people with phrasebook in hand.

My second project is for efficient retaining and retrieving of information that can be used without turning it into a skill.

I'm working on both projects learning a lot on the go.
Ready components can be found on programmer.land and discussion is in the blog.


When thinking of artificial intelligence, most people dream of a kind of virtual human.

Computers are not electronical men and never will be.

We should make better use of computer strengths that distinguish it from a human than try to substitute humans by computers.

C/Si principles



